Saturday, September 25, 2010

Tonight is a Night for "Approximately Infinite Universe" by Yoko Ono (1972) [I Know I'm Probably in the Minority on this one...]

[...and also on the fact that I vastly prefer Yoko Ono to Paul McCartney. John made the right choice.]

I really dig this album.

Here's the first cut "Yang Yang" off of 1972's Approximately Infinite Universe:

Over the course of the past couple of years I have fallen in love all over again with Lennon's post-Beatles work and with much of Yoko's solo work, and can hardly bear to listen to the Beatles at all (even though I own the Mono Box). [As to Macca's post-Beatles work? I find all of it to be absolutely dreadful save for one song. One song? That's right, one song. I'll reveal which song that is down the road.]

Here's song #2 on Side 4 of the double-LP:

Gosh, who is Joel Nohnn on this song? He sure is a great guitar player!

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